I was checking my server logs today and was surprised to see edits to an OLPC Map Wiki. For a short time in 2010-2011, I had an OLPC Map Wiki link (named "Our Maps") in the Map Activity. Markers were public by default. There was a private group option, but it was never used. If someone is editing the map now, they must have downloaded the activity a while ago, and never have updated.
Some are blank or nonsensical, but a few since April 2011 are actual labels:
club atletico chilecito - Chilecito, La Rioja, Argentina
EE.UU. - Saskatchewan, Canada
Catedral - Parroquia Catedral, Tacuarembo, Uruguay
Uruguay Sudamerica Amca Mundo - Uruguay
iglecia nuestra mi casa - Pan de Azucar, Uruguay
mi casa (and a short distance away) amigo - Ometepe Island, Nicaragua
eslindo - Tacuarembo, Uruguay
es lindo - Portugal
un pais orible - Antarctica